With over 25 years of experience as a comedy magician on cruise ships, corporate events and company meetings, Roger Douglas brings you into the World of Mentalism. As a Mentalist, Roger taps into intuition, gut feelings, and déjà vu to bring you a fascinating presentation where the seemingly impossible becomes possible. He gleans fantastical insights into participants and, with uncanny accuracy, predicts winners of contests, knows favorite memories from your past... and much, much more. You can choose to believe it... or not, but one this is certain: you will agree Roger Douglas is entertaining.
Roger Douglas is skilled at using comedy mentalism mind reading for corporate events and shows. And as an experienced entertainer, attracting and influencing audiences through tricks and storytelling, Roger will amaze you and your guests, too.
With 40+ years experience in both, you know you're in for an entertaining presentation. Roger infuses his seeming ability to read your mind using eye signals, body language and more techniques with humorous comedy to share a fun and perplexing experience.
"Your presentation on telephone scams was very timely. Our members have been receiving these calls in ever increasing numbers. We were pleased to have you show us how our eyes can fool us, too. We feel we were entertained, informed, and are now better prepared." Bonnie Lane ~ U W F Mission Chairperson
"Thank you again for taking the time, and God bless you in your efforts to help protect our vulnerable Senior Citizens." ~ Wanda Jackson, Carl Junction Senior Center Council
"I have known Roger Douglas for several years, and he has a heart for entertaining and helping our community. Through his entertaining mentalism and comedy magic, he also educates our community on scams and frauds. I thank Roger for his commitment and dedication to help make our community a safer place." ~ Mark Morris, Police Chief, Oklahoma
In addition to entertaining you and your guests, Mentalist Roger Douglas is available to help keep your employees, business associates, family and friends safe from the scourge of on-line and telephone scams. His Avoid Scams Knowledge (A.S.K.) presentations have been endorsed by police departments, senior citizen centers, professional women's associations and more.
An experienced entertainer, Roger begins with an entertaining 5-minute routine and then gets straight away into the heart of the matter. He shares the current scams (as listed by AARP, the FBI, and more affecting mainly age groups 20-29 and 70-79) which are romance scams, credit card scams, attempted delivery scams and fake Facebook profile scams. Call Roger at 407-502-2660 to check available dates and how to get this invaluable informational presentation for yourself.
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